TNN / Updated: Aug 22, 2024, 03:15 IST
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A 21-year-old gang-rape survivor from UP’s Ambedkar Nagar committed suicide after a police sub-inspector reportedly refused to file a case against three accused men and coerced her father into misreporting. An autopsy confirmed asphyxiation due to hanging and found no signs of sexual assault. The officer has been removed and an inquiry is ongoing.
LUCKNOW: A 21-year-old
survivor in
Ambedkar Nagar
hanged herself after a
sub-inspector allegedly refused to register a case against three men for the crime and instead coerced her father into writing a complaint that omitted details. The case has sparked outrage over police inaction.
Police said late Wednesday the autopsy report ruled out any signs of sexual assault or injuries to her private parts or any other part of her body.
“The cause of death has been confirmed as asphyxiation due to hanging,” an officer said, adding that these findings will be included in the chargesheet. Cops arrested three men while SI Nasir Qureshi “was removed for mishandling the case” and an inquiry initiated against him.
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