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New York

No venue found for public ‘farewell’ to Alexei Navalny



Alexei Navalny

‘s spokeswoman said on Tuesday that his allies had been unable to find a

farewell hall

in Russia to pay their


to the

opposition leader

who died in an

Arctic prison colony

earlier this month.
In a post on X, Kira Yarmysh said, “Since yesterday we have been looking for a place where we can organize a farewell event for Alexey.

We have called most of the private and public funeral agencies, commercial venues and funeral halls.”

Highlighting that some “funeral agencies were forbidden to work with us”, the spokeswoman further said, “Some refuse when we mention the surname “Navalny”. In one place, we were told that the funeral agencies were forbidden to work with us.”

“After a day of searching, we still haven’t found the farewell hall,” she added.
Earlier on Tuesday, a close ally of late opposition leader Navalny urged Russians for an election day protest against President Vladimir Putin next month that Navalny had called for shortly before he died.
In a post on social media on February 1, Navalny had urged Russians to protest by turning out to vote at the same time, in the afternoon on March 17.
The Kremlin warned that anyone who responded to what it described as a “provocative” call from “dangerous US-backed militants” would face legal consequences.

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