Home Lifestyle Mental and physical benefits of blowing Shankh

Mental and physical benefits of blowing Shankh

Mental and physical benefits of blowing Shankh
Mental and physical benefits of blowing Shankh


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What is a Shankh or conch?


What is a Shankh or conch?

A shankh, or conch shell, is a marine shell that is spiraled and conical in shape. For Hindus though, the conch isn’t merely a shell that is an object to collect, it is an important device used in daily rituals and worship. In fact, the shankh is a symbol of purity, auspiciousness, and helps spread positive vibrations around the surroundings.

​Why is it so important?


​Why is it so important?

The shankh is of great importance to Hindus, especially in their everyday worship and during elaborate pujas and havans. In fact, in many rituals, the shankhnaad, or blowing of the conch, is seen as the symbol of the start of the ritual.
In Hinduism, the shankh is associated with Lord Vishnu, and is often blown to mark the beginning of rituals and ceremonies. The sound of the shankh is believed to purify the environment, cleansing the air of impurities and filling it with positive energy. As the shankh is considered a powerhouse of energy, blowing it is thought to awaken the subconscious.

​The benefits of blowing the conch


​The benefits of blowing the conch

Although blowing the conch seems fairly simple, there is actually some technique and science behind it. But, did you know that blowing the conch for as little as 10 seconds daily can have great positive effects on your mental and physical health? Read to know more.
The sound produced by blowing a shankh generates powerful vibrations. These vibrations then spread throughour your body, mind, and the environment. And once this happens, the pisitive energies make way for a calm, stress-free environment.

​Purifies the surroundings


​Purifies the surroundings

The sound of the shankh is believed to have purifying effects on the environment. The vibrations produced by Shankhnaad can remove negative and stagnant energies and create a protective aura around the person. This purification effect helps people have a more calm, spiritual, and peaceful living space.

For example, in any household where the shankh is blown early in the morning, the other members of the family automatically bow their heads in silence, as if taking the blessings of Lord Vishnu himself.

​Can also help correct body posture


​Can also help correct body posture

To blow a shankh without fail, there are certain techniques and skills that people need to have. If you have ever blown a conch or seen someone do it, they stand straight, arch their back a little, their hands up in the air with the conch near their mouth, and then they make the blow.
So basically, doing a shankhnaad requires people to have an upright spine and open chest. When done regularly, even for as little as 10 seconds, Shankhnaad encourages good posture.

​Better breathing


​Better breathing

Blowing a shankh requires a person to inhale as deep as possible, with their nose (not mouth) and then exhale in a steady, controlled pace. This simple exercise helps strengthen the respiratory system and thus can improve lung capacity over time. Regular Shankhnaad can be especially good for people with respiratory issues, as it encourages deep breathing and helps clear the respiratory tract.

Better spiritual energies


Better spiritual energies

Performing Shankhnaad is a spiritual practice that connects a human with his or her higher consciousness. The act of blowing the shankh, along with the intention of calling to the divine energy, can create a powerful spiritual experience.

When the shankh is blown for as little as 10 seconds, the energy and sound reach all around, covering the ears of the person who is doing the shankhnaad and can immediately put them at ease.

​How to blow a Shanka


​How to blow a Shanka

If you think it to be a tough act that requires all your energy, you’ll be surprised that blowing a shankha is quite simple if you know the right technique. This is how to do it. Make a small O with your lips. Breathe in to fill air inside your lungs. Now with this small O push the air in the shankha, while covering the small slit on the side of the shankha with the other hand. Remember, you don’t have to fill your mouth with air. The air has to be pushed with that small opening only with medium force. Basically when you push the air through the small O it should be like a “Phooooo”. A little practice will make it a cakewalk!


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