May 20, 2024 10:56 AM IST
EPFO update: These new changes apply to situations where member details are accurate in the UAN but inaccurate in UID database.
The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) said that owing to challenges faced by field offices and difficult in rectifying/updating Aadhaar details following a member’s death, the processing of physical claims without seeding Aadhaar can be done.
“However, this concession is contingent upon obtaining approval from the Officer in Charge (OIC) via an e-office file. The file must meticulously document the verification procedures undertaken to authenticate the deceased’s membership and the legitimacy of the claimants. This protocol is to be executed in conjunction with additional due diligence measures, as directed by the OIC, to mitigate the risk of fraudulent withdrawals,” EPFO said.
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These new changes apply to situations where member details are accurate in the UAN but inaccurate in UID database. EPFO said, “In cases where Aadhaar data is correct but inaccurate or incomplete in the UAN, field offices must meticulously follow the guidelines delineated in Paragraphs 6.9 and 6.10 of JD SOP version-2 dated 26.03.2024. This involves rectifying the data in the UAN, seeding, and validating/authenticating the Aadhaar, in alignment with the instructions outlined in the prior Circular dated 24.09.2020.”
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EPFO also noted that the changes have been brought forth as field offices encountered difficulties with respect to seeding and authentication of Aadhaar in cases involving deceased individuals. Because of this, field officers were unable to process claims promptly and there were delays in paying affected claimants.
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