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Super Tuesday: Trump secures early wins against Haley


Donald Trump

achieved significant victories in the Republican presidential nominating contests in Virginia and North Carolina, as predicted by Edison Research. These wins are seen as critical in his efforts to sideline competitor

Nikki Haley

, the former UN ambassador and South Carolina governor, and set the stage for a potential rematch against Democratic President

Joe Biden


“We’re going to win every state tonight,” Trump declared to Fox News, setting his sights squarely on Biden after vanquishing a once-crowded Republican field.
While unable to clinch the nomination outright, the victories pile pressure on the longshot Haley campaign to justify its continuance. With over one-third of delegates awarded, Trump stands poised to eliminate Haley mathematically by mid-March, per his advisers.
Significant state-level races in California and North Carolina

While the presidential election garners significant attention, other crucial down-ballot races are unfolding. In California, voters are selecting candidates to vie for the Senate position long occupied by Dianne Feinstein. In North Carolina, the gubernatorial battle is shaping up between Republican Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson and Democratic Attorney General Josh Stein, as the state becomes a critical battleground for both political parties ahead of the November elections. Additionally, in Los Angeles, a progressive prosecutor faces a tough battle for reelection, a race that could indicate the prevailing attitudes towards crime policies.

Nomination timelines
Trump could potentially secure his party’s nomination as early as March 12, while Biden could become the presumptive Democratic nominee by March 19. However, unlike typical

Super Tuesday

outcomes, both nominations appear to be almost determined, setting the stage for a repeat of the 2020 election face-off. Trump has emphatically stated, “We have to beat Biden — he is the worst president in history.”
Voter priorities: Immigration and economy
The Super Tuesday elections, which saw votes being cast in 15 states and one US territory, were influenced by voter concerns primarily about immigration and the economy. Edison exit polls from California, North Carolina, and Virginia revealed a majority of Republican voters favoring the deportation of illegal immigrants, aligning with Trump’s promises of extensive deportation efforts.
Biden’s expected Democratic dominance
On the Democratic side, Joe Biden was projected to dominate, facing minimal opposition. His stance on Israel, however, spurred protests in Minnesota, urging Muslim Americans and progressives to vote “uncommitted.” Despite these protests, Biden secured wins in Iowa, North Carolina, and Virginia.
Increasing Republican voter confidence in Trump
Exit polls suggested a growing acceptance among Republican voters that their nominee might face legal convictions. Surprisingly, only 23% of California Republican primary voters believed Trump would be unfit to serve as president if convicted, a lower figure than in other conservative states.
No penalty for Biden in Iowa
Despite reshuffling the nominating calendar, Democratic voters in Iowa did not penalize Biden, who won the state with a significant majority in a mail-only ballot election.
Concerning trends for Biden among nonwhite voters
Exit polls from California showed Trump performing strongly among nonwhite voters, particularly Hispanics, indicating potential challenges for Biden among a crucial Democratic constituency.
Upcoming campaign focus on Georgia
Both Biden and Trump are turning their attention to Georgia, a critical battleground state for the upcoming general election. They are scheduled to hold campaign events there following Super Tuesday, highlighting the state’s significance in November’s election.
(With inputs from agencies)

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