The mythical dragons
Dragons, the ancient, mythical creatures that breathed fire through their nose and terrorised people with their might have very limited relatives and look-alikes. So, here are 9 animals that look like close relatives of the dragon family.
Komodo dragon
One of the largest lizards in the world, the Komodo dragon is a scary giant that looks more like a dragon than a lizard. They have a scary face, sharp claws, serrated teeth, and a powerful tail that can push people.
Armadillo girdled lizard
This small lizard from South Africa looks like a miniature dragon with its armadillo-like shells and armour all over its body. When threatened, this lizard turns itself into a ball, and the shells outside then protect it.
Bearded dragon
The bearded dragon looks like a fierce, mini dragon with a spiky ‘beard’ under its chin, which it puffs out when stressed or threatened.
Draco lizard
The Draco lizard, also known as the flying lizard, has the power to fly and glide between trees using wing-like flaps of skin. People say that if it was just a tad bit bigger and taller in size, it’d look like a flying dragon in real life.
Frilled lizard
The frilled lizard has a large, dramatic frill around its neck that looks like a collar around its face. It looks fierce and angry all the time, and when it opens its mouth and spreads the frills, it is a truly scary sight.
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Thorny devil
The thorny devil is a small lizard from Australia that is covered in sharp, spiky scales that look like the armour and thorns of a dragon.
Chinese water dragon
This Chinese water dragon is a slithering lizard, classic green in colour, and has a long tail that it whips around.
Marine iguana
Marine iguanas can only be spotted in the Galapagos islands, and are one of the very few lizards that find food and live in the sea. They are large, dark-coloured, have a rough skin and tough face, and a slow, mighty walk that makes them look formidable.
Jackson’s chameleon
The Jackson’s chameleon has three horns on its head that look like a Dragon’s defense mechanism. They can change colour, have slow and assertive walk, and with their looks they seem the perfect dragon relative.
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