Home Lifestyle 8 things you should throw out of your home

8 things you should throw out of your home

8 things you should throw out of your home
8 things you should throw out of your home

Nov 27, 2024

Aakanksha Sharma

Don’t keep these inside the home

So many products have been glorified in the market, but very less is known about their toxicity and the harms it can cause. In fact, there are so many products that are so deeply harmful that they can lead to long term health issues. Here we mention some of them.


Scented candles

One of the most toxic things that have been incorporated into homes are scented candles. Although they give a very cosy, comfortable energy to the rooms, the paraffin wax used in them emits toxic substances like benzene and toluene.


Old mattresses

Mattresses don’t last forever, and keeping an old one can do more harm than good. Over time, they will harbour dust mites, dead skin cells, and bacteria, and will also cause back pain and poor sleep overtime.


Cleaners that have ammonia

Many household wipes, cleaners, and even cleaning powders have a harsh chemical called Ammonia, and these are used to clean out tough stains and grime. And while these are very effective, they also emit toxic gas which is harmful.


Plastic cutting board

Plastic cutting boards can be found in every kitchen and most people don’t realise how harmful they really are. As the chopping continues, these boards also chip off microplastics into the food which can seriously harm the body.


Moldy objects

Mold is natural in places where stagnation is present. And so, it shouldnt become a norm in homes. So, if there are any books, utensils, or other things that are developing mold, it is best to dispose of them as soon as possible.


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Plastic water bottles

It is high time to replace plastic water bottles with either glass or stainless steel. While they are super cheap and convenient, using them over the years can lead to chemicals leaching into the water which will seriously harm the body.


Chipped non-stick pans

Non-stick pans are a staple in many homes. But using them for years can result in chipping and scratches, and when that happens, it is time to replace them! When the non-stick cookware chips, it can release harmful chemicals into the food.



Many households also have pesticides at hand, especially if there is a garden backdoors, or a lush balcony garden. But these pesticides are harmful not just for insects or rodents, but also to humans.


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