How to deal with an insecure boss
An insecure boss at the workplace can often hinder a person’s career growth. They’ll micromanage people and not let employees thrive, due to their insecurity. If you too are in a similar situation, then here we list 10 smart ways to deal with them, based on psychological insights.
Be empathetic
Understand that a person is often insecure due to their own inadequacy. Knowing this can help you be more empathetic towards your insecure boss, instead of judging them for their odd behaviour. This can help ease tension between you.
Genuinely compliment them
Acknowledge and compliment your boss’s achievements or skills. Why? Because positive reinforcement can help increase their confidence and reduce their insecurity.
Don’t challenge them publicly
Avoid challenging or criticising your boss in front of others. Instead, address disagreements in person and in private. Approaching them in this way will avoid triggering defensive behaviour.
Keep them updated
An insecure boss is often a micro-manager as they fear losing control over others. Hence, keeping them updated about what you are working on will reassure them.
Seek their guidance
Asking for your boss’s input or advice will help make them feel valued and in power, thus making them feel less insecure.
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Try building trust
Being good and consistent with your deadlines and keeping promises can build trust and reduce their need to micromanage.
Don’t outshine them
While this may sound weird, you might have to do it to boost your boss’s ego and confidence. Avoid overshadowing your boss, as this will make them more insecure about you. Instead, share credit for your success with them and thank them for your achievements when needed.
Stay professional
An insecure boss can sometimes act irrationally. And so, to deal with them you need to be patient and professional, instead of reacting emotionally.
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