Home Lifestyle 8 most poisonous birds in the world

8 most poisonous birds in the world

8 most poisonous birds in the world
8 most poisonous birds in the world

Poisonous birds

Birds are often thought of as adorable little creatures that fly through the skies and delight people with their chirps and calls. But, not many know that some birds are so poisonous, that a small claw could take them to a hospital! Here we mention 8 poisonous birds.



Pitohuis are undoubtedly one of the most poisonous and dangerous birds in the world. Their feathers, skin, and tissues contain batrachotoxin, a powerful neurotoxin that is also found in poison dart frogs. A simple contact with their skin or feathers can make people go numb.


European quail

The European quail, although not poisonous to touch, can certainly be harmful to health when eaten during a certain time. It is said that European Quails become toxic due to their diet, and consuming toxic quail meat can lead to muscle pain and other problems.


Little Shrikethrush

Similar to the Pitohui, the little Shrikethrush also has batrachotoxin in its skin and feathers. It is believed that these birds get this toxin from insects or other prey, and can cause numbness and severe discomfort in people.


Blue-capped Ifrita

A rather adorable bird with shades of blue over its head, the Ifrita has toxins in its feathers and skin. It gets its poison intake from the beetles that are a part of its diet, and it can irritate and numb people if it comes in contact.


Red warbler

The Red warbler’s toxicity is said to come from its diet, and although it is not poisonous to touch, it sure can send people to the hospital if eaten.


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Spur-winged Goose

The Spur-winged goose becomes a toxic bird because of its diet. It consumes beetles that produce cantharidin, a blistering agent, and when a human eats the goose, the toxin is thus ingested by them.


Ruffed grouse

Although not toxic in their claws, skin, or feathers, the ruffed Grouse becomes toxic during winter when they feed on toxic plants like mountain laurel and hemlock. Their toxicity and poisonous nature changes with the season and their diet.


Brush bronzewing pigeon

This pigeon is one of the very few in the species to be poisonous in nature, and this poison comes from its diet, which includes toxic seeds from native plants like gastrolobium.


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