Home Lifestyle 7 signs that show you have the mind and soul of a Yogi

7 signs that show you have the mind and soul of a Yogi

7 signs that show you have the mind and soul of a Yogi
7 signs that show you have the mind and soul of a Yogi


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​Who is a Yogi?


​Who is a Yogi?

When we hear the term ‘Yogi’ the first image to come to mind is of an old man, clad in orange and saffron, locks on their hair, and a ‘jhola’ on their shoulder. People think that only a sadhu who has renounced everything can be a Yogi. But honestly, this is not very accurate. A person with the mind and soul of a Yogi does not always have to renounce the world and live in complete isolation as they too find meaning and joy in the beauty of relationships.

So, if you feel like you have the mind of a Yogi or someone close to you does, these are some signs to look out for.

​You wake up in the Brahma Muhurta


​You wake up in the Brahma Muhurta

One of the most prominent signs that you have the mind and soul of a yogi is that your natural alarm clock is not waking up at 6, but the intuition to wake up at Brahma Muhurat.
Brahma Muhurat, which is basically the time between 4:30-6:00 am is considered the best time for spiritual practice owing to the calmness and peace all around. During this time, the mind is naturally calm, and the environment is peaceful, making it an ideal moment for meditation, prayer, or self-reflection.

​You find peace in your meditation


​You find peace in your meditation

Nowadays people have made it a habit to go to month-long retreats and ‘spots’ to attain peace. They spend thousands of rupees just to go to an isolated location and spend time over there. But, to the mind and soul of a Yogi, anywhere they can meditate is their happy place.
If you are able to easily slip into a state of deep meditation, and experience a sense of inner calm, it shows that you have a yogic mindset.

​Material riches do not appeal to you


​Material riches do not appeal to you

The world we live in today, the reason for why we work, the need for more, it is all because of our want and greed for the material. And even in today’s consumerism, if you are someone who is away from the appeal of material riches, you definitely have the mind and soul of a Yogi.
If you place greater value on spiritual growth, inner peace, and the well-being of others, this is a big green flag in your journey on Earth.

​You are happiest between nature


​You are happiest between nature

If you feel most at peace when surrounded by nature, this is another sign that you have the mind and soul of a yogi. Nature has the power to ‘naturally’ ground us and make us feel closer to our roots and our chakras. As a hidden yogi, you might feel a deep connection to the natural world, and be attracted to trees, the birds, the beautiful mountains, and the likes.

​You remain calm and composed


​You remain calm and composed

Remaining calm and composed even when life throws the hardest challenges your way is another sign of having the mind and soul of a Yogi.
Life is full of ups and downs, but a person with the mind of a yogi will maintain a type of composure all through it. Instead of cribbing, or crying, or overthinking about it, a man with a rational, straight mind will try to solve it as calmly as possible and move on with life.

​No negative vibes


​No negative vibes

A person who has the mind and soul of a Yogi will always keep negativity at bay. Be it a person who has negative energies, engaging in situations that could turn negative, and also being negative about someone themselves, A true Yogi would never pull someone down or watch others do the same.

When people are in sync with their natural energies, the tolerance for negative energies becomes extremely low.

​Ultimately, it is all about union with divine


​Ultimately, it is all about union with divine

And ultimately, life is all about your union with the divine. All you wish for at the end of the day is to not be reborn on this Earth and just attain Moksha to be able to serve the divine.
The understanding that at the end of the day it is all about your ‘karm’ (actions) and that you will be in a better place one day brings a sense of peace to their heart and mind and they continue to spread positivity, love, and peace.


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