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7 lokas mentioned in Hindu scriptures


01/8The ‘Lokas’ of Hinduism

According to Hindu scriptures, legends, and knowledge, the Universe is divided into 14 realms, or lokas. Out of these 14, there are 7 lokas above the ground, and 7 below. It is believed that the 7 Lokas above are for the pure, loving, spiritual souls and the ones that are downwards are to the ones who are tormented in ‘afterlife’. The 7 lokas above are home to the ‘good’, spiritual, and souls who have accumulated good karma in their human life and have given something to their fellows. But even here, the levels are divided on the basis of their deeds.
Here we mention the 7 lokas mentioned in Hindu scriptures and legends.



The Loka in the lower region is ‘Bhurloka’. It is basically the Earth realm where humans and other living beings live. Bhurloka is the physical world that we live in and experience daily. There are joys and suffering in the Bhurloka and this is the place from where souls begin their journey of going back to their respective homes.
It is the actions done in the Bhurloka that decide if a person will go up in the ladder, or will be pushed down. This is where humans have the chance to perform good deeds, learn, and grow spiritually.



Immediately above the Bhurloka is the Bhuvarloka. Bhuvarloka is often described as the space between Earth and Heaven. It is said that Bhuvarloka is the home to spirits and demigods, but only those who have the permission to come down to Bhurloka.
Bhuvarloka is thought to be the one where souls can be after the death of the body. Souls who have done positive things and have good karma to their name can be found here.



Above the Bhuvarloka, is the ‘Svarloka’. It is also known as Svarga or Indraloka, as it is ruled by Indra dev. Svarloka is also interpreted as heaven and thus described as a place of great beauty, aesthetics, and abundance. The Svarloka is where souls enjoy the fruits of their good deeds from previous lives.



Now while the souls who accumulated good karma are thought to stay in Svarloka, they do not stay their forever. For many souls, their indulgence usually tops over their Karma and they are then sent back to Bhurloka. But, there are others who go to the Maharloka. It is the world where great sages and enlightened beings live and there is immense spiritual purity in that space.
Maharloka is filled with ‘tapaswis’, ‘sadhus’ and people who have risen above the material indulgences of Bhurloka and Svarloka.



Janaloka is said to be the home to the sons of Brahma, the creator god. The souls who rise to the Janaloka are the ones who have attained a higher level of spirituality, are exceptional intellectually, and worked as healers or teachers.
Janaloka is the world of knowledge and creativity and is given to souls who have achieved a state of spiritual purity.



Evident by the name, Tapaloka is the realm dedicated to meditation and ‘dhyaan’. The souls found in Tapaloka are the sages and ascetics who practise intense tapas to attain higher states of consciousness. Tapaloka is usually seen as the ultimate form or stage of purification of soul and preparation for the highest spiritual state.



The highest loka, above the Tapaloka, is the Satyaloka, or Brahmaloka. It is the highest of the seven lokas and is the abode of Brahma, the creator. Satyaloka is the region where there is only truth, purity, enlightenment, and ultimate salvation. Souls in Satyaloka have reached the level where they are one with the supreme powers of the Universe.


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