Obsolete jobs
Over the years, the job market has changed drastically with many of them becoming obsolete. Here we list some strange jobs that are now outdated as technology advanced and society evolved.
Before there were alarm clocks at every home, there were people whose main job was to walk through streets and tab on windows with long sticks to wake people up. They were known as “knocker-up” and their job was to wake people up for work.
Lamp Lighter
Before electric street lights were invented, some people used to work as lamplighters. Their work was to manually light, extinguish, and maintain gas lamps on city streets every single day.
Rat Catcher
As the name suggests, Rat Catchers were people who were hired to mainly control the rodent population. The down side of their job was that Rat Catchers were exposed to dangerous diseases carried by rodents.
Switchboard Operator
Before telephones and mobiles became so common, people used to work as switchboard operators who manually connected calls by plugging in wires. However, with automatic dialing systems in place these jobs disappeared over time.
Ice Cutter
Before modern refrigerators were invented, people who worked as ice cutters harvested ice from frozen lakes and rivers. Yes, you read that right! They were known as “Ice Cutters” and they used to supply iceboxes to people.
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Human Computer
Before computers became common in offices, people who were good at complex mathematical calculations worked as human computers. Their job was to do complex and accurate calculations manually for scientific and engineering purposes.
Leech Collector
In earlier days, leeches were used for medical bloodletting. And so, some people used to work as “leech collectors” by gathering them from ponds and lakes and supplying them to doctors.
Before body donations became common, people used to work as resurrectionists, also known as Body Snatchers. Their work was to dig up dead bodies from graves and sell them to medical schools for studies.
Pinsetters were people whose work was to manually reset the pins in bowling alleys after each throw. This job disappeared when automatic pin setting machines were introduced.
Gong Farmer
Before modern day sewages were invented, Gong farmers were employed to remove human waste from cesspits– a job which was highly dangerous to their health.
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